Get to know other parents, teachers and the children. Enjoy fundraising to buy equipment and enhance the school environment whilst taking part in your child’s schooling as part of the extended community and develop a channel of communication with the children. Did we mention, it’s also fun!
It would be appreciated if the committee could be approached if you have any ideas for enhancing the life of the school or for raising much needed funds. The AGM is held early in the academic year and your attendance would be much appreciated.
You are automatically a member of the PTA as a parent. Find them on Facebook or contact them at [email protected].
We like to know how we are doing and value everyone’s feedback. Every half term we offer the opportunity to give us feedback as part of our ‘Feedback Friday’ initiative. As we are always seeking to improve, we respond to feedback as much as we can. Please see our ‘You said, we did’ document below for more information.