Leave of absence during school term time

Any absence from school should follow the school’s Attendance and Punctuality Policy. A leave of absence form needs to be completed if you do have to take your child out of school. Please ask at the office.

The key principles which underpin La Houguette’s procedures for managing attendance are that:

  • Parents and carers have a duty to ensure that their children attend school regularly and punctually in order to get the most benefit from their education.

  • Regular and punctual attendance at school is key to the academic and social development that will improve the life chances of learners.

  • Learners who attend school regularly and punctually are less likely to be at risk, both in terms of engaging in anti-social behaviour and in terms of their own health, safety and welfare.

Absence through illness

Please let the school know as soon as your child is absent for any reason. Please telephone before school starts, any time after 8.15am. Alternatively you could send an email to [email protected].

Unexplained absences may lead to an investigation by the School Attendance Officer.

If your child has a particular medical or physical complaint, please ensure that the school is informed, preferably in writing, addressed to the Headteacher.

Bad weather

Very occasionally we have bad weather, usually snow which would make it difficult or dangerous for children to try to get to school.

If this happens please listen to Guernsey Radio or Island FM as the Education Services will make the decision if the schools will be closed and they will contact the radio stations. We will group call and put a message on Class Dojo

School uniform

The children are expected to follow a code of dress. The policy of the school is to encourage children to take a pride in their appearance and to take care of their school clothing.

Footwear- Black shoes or sensible sandals. Trainers are preferred for sport only.

Physical education

The children have lessons in dance, gymnastics, athletics, swimming, outdoor activities and major games skills.

Essentially, they learn through activities which involve development in planning, performing and evaluating their own performance and the performance of other children. It is hoped that the Physical Education programme will have a significant influence on the long-term health, attitudes and behaviour of the children.

All children are expected to participate in this important area of the curriculum unless they are temporarily ill, in which case a note from parents is required or, in the case of permanent exclusion, a doctor’s certificate.

Clothing for PE

PE is an important part of the curriculum and it is essential that children have suitable clothing. It is a good idea to keep the kit at school all week and to bring it home at the weekend for washing. Please bring PE kit in a draw-string type PE bag.

Indoor PE

All children must change for PE into black shorts and House coloured T-shirt which should be kept in a clearly named PE bag which can be kept on their peg. Children will be barefooted but should also bring gym shoes or trainers.

Outdoor Games

Trainers or gym shoes will be required for outdoor games lessons. Depending upon the weather additional sports clothing such as a tracksuit or sweat top may be worn.


All children must wear a cap however short their hair. Proper swimming trunks should be worn. Please avoid baggy shorts as they can lead to difficulties when swimming. Waterproof swimming / PE bags and caps are available from the school office.

School shop

These items are available to buy from the office

  • Swimming Caps £4.00

  • Baseball Caps £6.00

  • Book Bags £6.00

  • Sports Bags (drawstring) £6.00

Pupils’ property

(Clothing, spectacles, watches, bags, bicycles etc)

The school will take all reasonable measures to prevent loss or damage to pupils’ property, but if something belonging to a pupil is lost, stolen or damaged on school premises or during a school visit the school does not accept responsibility for meeting the cost of replacing the item. Parents are recommended to protect their children’s property through their own household insurance.

Lost property

Lost property boxes are kept in the Infant and Junior cloakroom. The boxes can be inspected by parents. Due to the amount of unnamed lost property, any unclaimed lost property will be disposed of appropriately and sustainably at the end of each term.


In general, we discourage the wearing of jewellery in school, primarily for health and safety reasons, but also because we’d hate to think that anything of sentimental value for you or your child would be lost, broken or stolen.

If you wish your child to wear jewellery the following are permitted:

Only stud earrings are acceptable. For safety reasons children wearing earrings must remove them before any PE activity. As children have to do this for themselves it would be helpful if Infants did not have their ears pierced or earrings were removed at home on PE days.

Please do not have your child’s ears pierced during term time as this excludes them from PE and swimming as they cannot remove the studs for six weeks.

Jewellery worn about the neck or wrists is actively discouraged and your child may be asked to remove them.

All jewellery must be removed before PE activities. Teachers are not responsible for their safe keeping.

If there are any medical or religious reason why your child needs to wear jewellery please discuss this with the school.


Valuables should, wherever possible, not be brought into school. No responsibility can be accepted for any losses of items.

More children are bringing in mobile phones. Unless this is absolutely necessary please encourage your children not to do so. The school phones can be used if there is an emergency. No responsibility can be taken for the replacement of broken or lost mobile phones. To help safeguard them all mobile phones should be handed in to the school office for safekeeping.